Home Flying trips Fridhem Gaard 1877

Fridhem Gaard 1877

by Natalie Kjaergaard

I always wanted to visit Fridhem Gaard in the Southwest Skåne, Sweden. I’ve heard it was a very nice place.

I asked Henrik whether he wanted to go with me, and he did. He helped me to fuel up the aeroplane, and early Wednesday morning we took off.

Coasting out of Denmark; Vedbæk harbour:

The city of Malmö with its iconic Turning Torso building:

Flying by delightful scattered clouds:

Fridhem Gaard is located near Vellinge, and before landing we decided to make a round over the Falsterbo peninsula:

The views were breathtaking:

The southwest tip of Falsterbo:

After enjoying the magnificent views over Falsterbo, we headed for Fridhem Gaard, and soon the airstrip (480 meters, grass) was in sight:

We came relatively early, and it was quiet on the farm:

Soon we were welcomed by Katarina and Anders, the owners of the place. We borrowed two bikes, and went to see around.

When I visited this part of Skåne other times, I normally was in Skanör, Falsterbo, in the marina or nearby beaches and nature reserves, and I’ve never been to Höllviken – so this time we were going to see it. Stopped by a windmill on our way:

In Höllviken, we had lunch at V.E.S.P.A, an Italian restaurant. While Henrik was talking to Boye on the phone, I had this photo taken of us:

After that hearty Italian meal we needed a walk by the sea – it was incredibly beautiful, and with lots of birds:

In Nyckelhålsparken, there was a playground for kids. We played there as well, and those crooked blue wooden houses were really a great fun:

At this time of the year the days are short, and we bounded back for the Fridhem Gaard. The shop and cafe were going to be open, and we wanted to experience them. The charming cafe had great views, it was full of flowers and sunshine:

Freshly brewed coffee/tea, and a home-baked cake in such surroundings is a dream…

The shop was impressive – there were so many nice things, from furniture to hand-made soap, and other lifestyle products:

There is also a hotel at Fridhem Gaard, and I’m already thinking of going there during springtime!

While Katti was busy with the customers, I took this photo of Anders in front of his irresistible L-4 Grasshopper he is renovating:

Meanwhile, the weather has become a bit misty, and Malmö was covered in light and low clouds:

It was a kind of dark, but as more north we were flying as more clear the air was getting.

We did a round over Citadellet in Landskrona before heading home:

We flew over the island of Ven both ways. The air traffic both in Kastrup and in Malmö was quite heavy, and sometimes it was difficult to find a break to make a radio call. Kyrkbacken on the island of Ven, they have very good restaurants in the harbour:

Happy pilots on their way home after a marvellous day in Fridhem Gaard, Falsterbo, and in the air:

Many thanks to Katti and Anders for their warm hospitality! We look forward to return!

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