Home Flying trips First trip abroad in 2021!

First trip abroad in 2021!

by Natalie Kjaergaard

Finally that day has come! We had yet another year of COVID-19, and when the restrictions were lifted – I couldn’t travel far away for personal reasons. It was first in August that I got that chance, but long driving time to my flying club (and long working days) meant I couldn’t go abroad on a weekday after work, and the weather also played its role. Needless to say, I felt more than happy on my flight to Höganäs in Sweden on the 24th August!

I didn’t have the time to do a round over Kullaberg, as I would normally do, and it was ok – I would rather meet my Swedish friends I haven’t seen for ages!

In Höganäs, there were already many aircraft, and one of them, OY-ABJ, was Sebastian’s Piper Tri Pacer:

Sebastian, my club mate, was on a several days tour in Sweden, and it was his last stop before going home to Denmark.

It was a warm late summer evening; guests were sitting outside, enjoying the sunshine:

With Rolf – so nice to meet again:

And soon Thomas and his son Silas also landed, and joined me and Anne for a meal:

In Höganäs flying club, they make excellent grilled herring, and we had it in a traditional Swedish way:

Vintage cars normally come by for these fly-ins as well:

Time goes quickly in a good company, and eventually we had to go home. Thomas and Silas on take-off:

Oddly enough, my first trip abroad last year was also to Höganäs 🙂

The views on our flight back home were amazing:

And the sunset – beautiful…

Small trip, but gave so much energy and satisfaction! I look forward to many more of them this year.

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