Home Flying tripsDenmark Endelave with Heather: Art, kringles & tractors

Endelave with Heather: Art, kringles & tractors

by Natalie Kjaergaard

Heather and I long wanted to go on a trip somewhere, and on a quick phone call early Saturday morning we agreed to fly to Endelave – one of the beautiful islands in the sea of Kattegat.

Ready for departure:

Endelave is approx. 85 km direct flight from my home airfield in Holbæk:

One of my club mates had departured before us for Langeland, but came back to Holbæk quickly because of the low ceiling. So I called the MET office, and got weather briefing from them – in the direction of Endelave it was going to be fine. We got airborne, and indeed the weather was very nice:

Heather and I looked forward to spend a day together – we haven’t seen each other for ages:

In Endelave airport, we had a pleasure of seeing the vintage Ford in motion, when Povl took it out of the hangar:

After a good chat with Deirdre and Povl, we took the bikes and headed on the road. In the harbour, there still were many boats – it was a warm and sunny weekend; the late summer this year has been really good:

When we biked to the village, we came by this old farm from the 18th century:

And there was an art exhibition of Maja Sofie Dahl, called “Under the ice”. Read about the project here. We expressed interest, and Maja told us the stories behind her fascinating works:

Heather and I continued to the village. We stopped by the old houses and took pictures of them.

Povl recommended us to visit the Tanggården which is a farm working with seaweed:

In their shop, there were many interesting goods with seaweed – pesto, beer, skincare products, you name it. We bought some of them – it is always interesting to try local production!

Afternoon tea on the sunny terrace of Endelave Inn:

We had freshly baked kringle, and it was delicious. I think it was first time in my life, I had a kringle 🙂 I love that kind of things, but never eat them – way too many calories! But I compensate with dark chocolate…

The Endelave church was open! So many times I passed by and wished I could visit it one day!

It was very nice inside, simple and beautiful, but what I liked most was an ancient cross, a tombstone and an old door:

We still had time left, and spent it by The Cliff, on a stony beach:

The cliff was formed during the ice age. On the steep sides of the Cliff, one can see how the various ice advances have deposited layer upon layer of material. The cliff is approx. 400 meters long and about 5 meters high:

Then we had a chance to play on a field full of huge forage bales:

The day was going to an end, and we got back to the airfield. Most of the visiting aircraft already left:

Before leaving, we had a chat with Erik, and he took a picture of us on his red tractor:

Flying home was enjoyable. It was a bit windy day, but in the evening the wind  gradually decreased. Kalundborg port from above:

At home, we cleaned up my Aeroprakt, and made it ready for the next flight. Heather with the rabbit figure, we also bought on Endelave (the island is famous for its rabbits):

Later, we had a cup of tea in the club house, and talked about all those wonderful experiences we had on Endelave. It was such a lovely day.

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