Home EventsFly-in EKHK fly-in 28 May 2016

EKHK fly-in 28 May 2016

by Natalie Kjaergaard

Holbæk flying club (EKHK) had Open House and Fly-in on the 28th May 2016, and we left early for the event to have more time there:

In the air

In the air

The weather was beautiful, and flying enjoyable:

Beautiful islands of Denmark

Beautiful islands of Denmark

Many airplanes were landing one after one.

Note that well-clipped grass!

Note that well-clipped grass!

“Holbæk tower” controlled all air traffic and ground operations perfectly:

Holbæk Tower and a line to a scenic flight.

Holbæk Tower and a line to a scenic flight.

The event was very well organized, and attracted lots of neighbours from the nearby cities and villages who were standing in a line to get a flight, or just walking around and enjoying a nice day at the airfield. Barbecue, hot and cold drinks, lots of aeroplanes on display, attentive staff – everything to make this event a success was there.

Vintage aircrafts

Vintage aircrafts

Danaero http://www.danaero.dk/was there with their excellent products:



Pilots also had a good time:

Pilots having a chat

Pilots having a chat

Great event, and many happy people!

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