Home Flying tripsDenmark Easter vacation 2021. To fly or not to fly?

Easter vacation 2021. To fly or not to fly?

by Natalie Kjaergaard

The weather was improving in the northern Jutland; Jens and I began planning for our new destination. It looked like the only possibility was the island of Læsø – we booked a car there, and a cottage. Everything was confirmed, and we looked forward to spend some calm sunny days on the island. But – Tuesday morning the phones began ringing.

It showed up, the cottage wasn’t available, and we needed to find out what to do. The question was whether to fly to Læsø anyway or wait till the weather would become better in the southern direction. We could stay longer at the Lille Degnbøl B&B, and play with the Little Prince, the farm’s cat:

Though the place was very nice, we wanted to experience something new. On Læsø, only few properties were available – they either were too expensive or not very nice. I called Inge-Merete, a friend from the Roskilde flying club. We’ve been together on several flying trips with the mates from the club, and I had also visited Inge-Merete on Læsø where she has a cottage. I explained Inge-Merete our situation, and she warmly welcomed us. Jens and I were so happy and so grateful!

Inge-Merete followed us on our tour and hoped we’d come to Læsø so that we would meet. Unfortunately, she needed to go back home, but she told us which of her neighbours we could contact in order to get a key to the cottage.

Before leaving for Læsø, we wanted to have a local flight over Skagen. Finally the wind stopped blowing and the weather was very much for flying!

We got to the Sindal airport and prepared the aircraft:

Our flight was going to look approximately like that:

The town of Skagen and its harbour:

A closer look:

The northernmost tip of Denmark – Grenen:

Where the seas of Kattegat and Skagerrak meet:

Turning to its western side:

And flying south by the coast line; Råbjerg Mile, the unique moving sand dune far centre:

Beautiful coast and white sand beaches:

The Råbjerg Mile dune is moving 15 metres a year. We didn’t visit it on foot this time, due to very strong winds:

Jens and I did a couple of rounds over the Lille Degnbøl B&B where we had such a nice stay:

We were so happy to be airborne!

The weather last week was simply terrible, with winds up to 25 knots, and gusts up to 53 knots – it wasn’t much fan to be a tourist. And we’ve missed flying!

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