Home Flying tripsDenmark Easter vacation 2021. A nice surprise in Nykøbing Mors

Easter vacation 2021. A nice surprise in Nykøbing Mors

by Natalie Kjaergaard

Last morning at Købingsmark Strand camping… It was warmer to have breakfast outside on the terrace; porridge with fresh strawberries and a cup of coffee – life was good!

Ole picked us up and drove to the Nordals flying club where our aircraft was parked. With Ole before leaving:

Jens and I were going to the island of Mors. We would rather fly by the west coast and spend some days at different places, but the weather was more favourable in the north. Next 2-3 days it was going to be quite windy, and we also wanted to ensure we could rent a car. It was Easter time, and everything was closed, inclusive car renting. On Mors, we have some good connections, and arranged a car to be delivered to the aerodrome.

Our flight went uneventfully; there were many gliders in the air – at one point of time we saw 9 of them: 5 in one air bubble, and 4 in another one.

We flew over Nykøbing Mors town where we booked our stay:

And had a look at the house we had rented, from the air. Staying at the camping site on Als was good, but we were freezing so much there and longed for a warm place:

We had brought lunch with us. Our aircraft was packed with different things (we were going to be away for 3 weeks after all), so Jens had to hold our salads on the lap:

We reached EKMN, and pilots from the club waited for us to land:

It was fun to fly over them:

We were warmly welcomed to the Svævethy – gliding club on Mors, and parked our Aeroprakt. Jens and I put the canopy cover on it – the cover proved to be really good on Als. Despite the rain, the aircraft was dry under it, there wasn’t any moister, it was perfect.

After lunch on the flying club’s sunny terrace, we drove to Nykøbing Mors. Found our house, and what a nice surprise awaited us there: fresh flowers and a home-baked cake! We relaxed on the couch, having afternoon coffee with cake, and enjoying being in a warm place.

Later, we went for a walk through the town:

It was a calm and sunny evening:

City hall and a statue of the King Christian IX:

Walking by a supermarket, Jens noticed it was going to be closed next 2 days – damn, we needed to go shopping again! We bought lots of food and found it to be quite stressful to plan for so many days in advance – but there were no other options, and we didn’t want to be on a forced diet.

We spent the rest of the day laying on a couch and reading about attractions in the area.

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