Home Flying tripsDenmark Easter vacation 2021. Plan B

Easter vacation 2021. Plan B

by Natalie Kjaergaard

In December last year Jens and I agreed to go on a 4-week flying vacation in April. We thought by April 2021 COVID-19 would be long over, and we would fly somewhere far away. The reality has, however, been very different, and we decided to go for plan B: flying in Denmark. Our vacation was cut down to 3 weeks, but all that didn’t matter much – we looked forward to have a break.

We headed for Nordborg to start from, where we were going to spend a couple of days.

The weather was nice and sunny, and with lots of mist in the air.

When we came to Holbæk, my home airfield, in the early morning, the air temperature was around +5C. When we left, it was +10C, and by the time we arrived to Nordborg, it was already +18C! Ole waited for us at the EKNB:

I had called him some days before telling about our flying plans, and he was happy to assist with practical things. Jens and I were welcomed to the flying club, the coffee was ready, and we enjoyed the sunny morning on the club’s terrace:

Ole organised a hut for us on the camping place nearby. We took this photo later that day; the red arrow points at the hut we stayed in:

Ole was also very kind to drive us to the supermarket where we bought food for the next 3 days; during Easter holidays everything is closed. Our afternoon was spent relaxing at the camping site:

I went for a swim – the water was cold of course, but exceptionally clean; it was a great pleasure to finally get into the water:

In the evening, we wanted to go for a sunset flight. We walked to the flying club by the sea, around 5 km:

The views were very nice:

We did some checks before we got airborne:

The sunset wasn’t as spectacular as could have been, but we loved it anyway. It is always a very special moment:

And before we left for our camping site, I put a canopy cover on my Aeroprakt, I just sew myself before the trip:

I always wanted to have proper covers for my aircraft, and I thought – if I want them perfect and for a reasonable price, I have to sew them myself. The first prototype was ready, and it was simply perfect! I couldn’t be more happy:

Well, the night was approaching, and we hurried back “home”. It was damn dark, and those 5 km were not easy, I can tell you that…

We were back by 10 p.m. Jens warmed up and served our dinner; we talked about the many wonderful and unexpectedly positive experiences we had during our first vacation day.

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