Home Flying trips Colmar tour 2018: day 4

Colmar tour 2018: day 4

by Natalie Kjaergaard

We were leaving Colmar on a warm and sunny morning. Our crew in front of the aircraft we flew in: Per, Carsten, Inge-Merete, and I.

Colmar tower:

Flying over the mountains was spectacular:

Inge-Merete is a former private pilot with many years of experience. I really enjoyed her company. I hope we will fly together many times in the future. We’ve already planned our next tour – to the Danish island of Læsø.

An industrial area somewhere south of Frankfurt:

We chose to land for lunch in EDVE Braunschweig. Carsten as a PIC on final RWY08:

The Braunschweig airport was chosen because of their good restaurant! On the photo below the team behind this tour: Ejnar, Pernille, Birgit, Hans.

The buffet lunch this time was 20.50 EUR (12.50 EUR three days ago). The food was still fine, with a good variety of fish, meat, pasta, salads, soup, vegetables, fresh fruit.

Our good bye to the EDVE:

Soon Gedser, Denmark, was in sight:

Right downwind to RWY11 in Roskilde:

And coffee and beers on the club’s terrace sharing nice memories from the trip:

Many thanks to Ejnar and Hans who organised this tour!

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