Carsten was interviewed by Polish TV and it was broadcasted on the same day
I was among those who left for Trzebicz Nowy. We knew possibility of getting into bad weather was high, so I prepared a list of alternate aerodromes on our way where we could land.
The weather was fine, but as longer west we flew, as more clouds were coming up. At some point we could see the front ahead of us, and Gdansk Information recommended landing at Pila (EPPI). We decided to fly south in order to get around the front, because we could see the weather was good there.
We successfully reached our destination, just before the rain came. It turned out to become a rather long flight – 3 hours instead of planned 1.5 hours in the air. Only 5 aircraft reached Trzebicz Nowy – the ones that left earlier than the others. Two aircraft landed in EPPI and five – at Smilowo aerodrome because they couldn’t maintain VFR flight. Suddenly the whole group became separated, as we were on four different locations. It felt strange, and we missed our fellow pilots.
In Trzebicz Nowy we were greeted by Ryszard – the owner of the place – and his staff. A delicious lunch was waiting for us:
Trzebicz NowyÂ is a very nice place. Located in a forest close to the city Drezdenko, it has a huge area with green gardens, an airfield, hangars, farm animals, a hotel, and even a tennis court.
We used the rest of the day for relaxation, walking around, and exploring the world of aviation. We met a person who built his third aeroplane, and we had a (very) long chat about motors and other tech stuff.
We admired his work.
Dinner was lots of good quality locally produced Polish meat:
And in the evening Ryszard demonstrated his aeroplanes, also in the air.