It was very misty, with low broken clouds, and we waited for a couple of hours before we thought it was fine to take off.
Though the cloud base was at 9,000 feet, the visibility wasn’t good, and we very quickly agreed that we were not going to fly far away from the airfield.
We flew over those beautiful yellow fields of blooming rasp, just near our flying club in Holbæk:
And everything functioned well in my Aeroprakt.
On final to runway 28 Henrik took this photo:
We landed, and I started from cleaning the aircraft:
It was covered in a layer of flies, just look at that:
When we taxied, a black cloud of insects followed us! I sent Henrik to have a soft drink whilst I was cleaning:
Henrik helps with other thing, like refuelling, carrying heavy bags, and so on. He deserved a break and a drink.
Not many were out flying; some pilots were getting their PFT with Michael:
I’m sewing a new canopy cover, this time for sale, and wanted to double check the fit:
Henrik contributed with some ideas. I always ask for his advice… and never follow 🙂 Just kidding! 🙂
Everything fitted very well; I’m going to continue my work when back from this upcoming flying trip.
And then it was time for an ice cream in the sun, together with Anders and Lars, our club mates: