In Denmark it is very rare that we have show during winter, and because of that many of us don’t have any experience landing in snow. The good thing with gyro is that they don’t use brakes on landing, so Carsten decided to give it a (well calculated) chance. He drove our airstrip back and forth in order to test the snow and to create a track.
Everything worked fine and we took off. The views were spectacular.
After a coffee break in Ringsted flying club we headed south to visit Koster Vig, Carsten’s own aerodrome.
Many nice things on our way, and the Queen Alexandrine’s bridge is just one of them.
There wasn’t much snow on the island of Møn where the Koster Vig aerodrome is located. On the picture below one can see the southern part of Stege Bugt, the Færgemandens Hus restaurant and the Koster Vig runway.
Koster Vig aerodrome has 2 heated caravans, and visitors are welcome to stay. There are bikes, tea, coffee, and cooking facilities, and a restaurant is 200-300 metres away. You can always be sure to meet other pilots there – this place is popular. More about Koster Vig in this post I wrote last year.
On our way back we spotted a boat with a working windmill:
As more north we were heading, as more snow we saw on the way.
I felt like seeing snow for the first time, and from the air it was even more beautiful.
And here we are quite close to our home airfield. On the picture below is Smørum with Kong Svends Høj in the middle:
Gyro is parked in front of its hangar. We had such a wonderful day!