It was one year ago, Danaero handed the OY-9797 over to me on a much warmer day than this year. Read more and see pictures from that happy & sunny day here.
For this 1st birthday, I ordered a special cake and Flemming did lots of cooking. We prepared for holding our small party in the hangar:
When the first guests arrived, we opened champagne:
We were sitting in the hangar, by the OY-9797 side:
After a couple of hours freezing we moved to the club house and prepared for coffee and cake:
The cake was custom-made for me after my own design. I hope you like it? I tasted good, too – chocolate with raspberry cream inside:
It definitely helped the mood to be in a warm place:
My aeroplane got many nice presents – it was very unexpected, indeed! So nice of my club mates!
We had such a lovely time together!
Flemming had done all the cooking and practicalities, so I volunteered to do the dishes:
And the sunset over Holbæk flying club was so beautiful:
Many thanks to Jørgen, Boye, Niels, Ib, Anders, Lars, Steen, Linda, Simba, and Flemming for accepting my invitation, for all those nice gifts and such a great time together!