Home Flying tripsDenmark Ascension holidays 2021. Day 3: Fish balls by the sea & sunset flight

Ascension holidays 2021. Day 3: Fish balls by the sea & sunset flight

by Natalie Kjaergaard

May is always very nice on Bornholm – every single tree or bush seems to be covered with blooming flowers:

Henrik and I had a slow morning, and first left home around noon. We drove to Allinge to do some shopping, and went for a little walk there. One of the old smoke houses, no longer in use:

We bought some fish balls at the Allinge smoke house, and decided to have them by the sea. There was a very nice wood walk just near the smoke house:

From there, we got to the rocks, sat there in silence and enjoyed the view:

The fish balls were excellent – fresh and warm, tasty and crispy, probably the best I’ve ever tasted. One of the seagulls around came very close, hoping to get a bite, but we told it to go fishing instead of begging:

The weather was very calm that day, and we had planned to go for a sunset flight.

Though it wasn’t the first time on the island, and even not the tenth, both Henrik and I were a kind of surprised how small Bornholm was from air. When you drive, it seems to be much bigger…

Bornholm is well-known for its rapeseed oil (among many other things), but I wondered – with so few rapeseed fields how can they produce so much? This oil is on the shelves of each and every supermarket… It mist be a good business!

We flew criss-cross the island several times, and were so happy to be airborne:

Sandvig and Allinge:

The town of Hasle on the the western coast:

Rønne, Bornholm’s largest town:

We continued south of Bornholm’s airport:

Did a round over Dueodde, the most famous beach on the island, one of the best in Europe:

And then back to the airport, for landing.

On the ground, the sunset had already happened, but in the air we could still enjoy it…

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