Home Flying trips April tour 2019. Day 11: Spa, champagne and flowers in Timisoara

April tour 2019. Day 11: Spa, champagne and flowers in Timisoara

by Natalie Kjaergaard

I’m so happy to have such a good friend as Vagn – we can go flying together, and we can also go to a spa.  Our Saturday morning in Timisoara began from a glass of champagne in Oriental Spa.

It was rather troublesome to book spa and treatments. I called them already from Hungary, but for some reasons spa had to be pre-paid (not the treatments!), and a bank transfer would take too long time. So when we checked in to our apartment, we got help from our landlord. He personally drove to the Oriental Spa and paid for us, and only in that way I could ensure I would finally get massage etc.

While I was relaxing in a whirlpool, Vagn voluntarily hided himself in that stylish wooden box:

Just kidding! 🙂 What I called a stylish wooden box was a practical one-man sauna. I also tried it – it was very good.

After two hours in a whirlpool with champagne, fruit, chocolate, and freshly pressed juice, I went for a one hour oil body massage and one hour facial. Vagn was relaxing on a sofa in front of a fire place, with coffee and cookies, and SkyDemon – we needed to plan our next flights.

After the spa we went to the biggest shopping mall in Timisoara where we saw these beautiful Easter Eggs painted by an artist with the motives of Munch, Van Gogh, Cezanne, and De Chirico:

Homemade” restaurant in the mall looked nice, and we decided to have lunch there. I had char coal grilled octopus, and Vagn – salmon. The food was truly delicious. Vagn complemented his dish with a glass of local wine – good choice!

The interior in the restaurant was modern and urban, and it looked like it was a popular place among locals.

Chilling out after lunch, in a good company:

We quickly got enough of that enormous mall, and went to the city to enjoy a warm day out. I saw that photo below many times before, but I didn’t know it was from Timisoara!

People were taking selfies below those umbrellas, and this part of the street was always overcrowded.

Vagn tried some bicycles:

There were market stalls everywhere. In some places, people were producing their goods right at the spot, and it was very interesting to observe it:

Many were out and enjoying the day:

An artist, making paintings on the street:

An orthodox church and lots of flowers (they were literally everywhere in the centre of Timisoara, and so many of them):

We had a view to that beautiful orthodox church from our apartment:

Nice and relaxing day…  And we just finished planning for next week, sent and got approved some of the flight plans, requested passport control and customs – there are many things to keep track of, and Vagn and I are a good well cooperating team.

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Erik Pontoppidan 21 April 2019 - 16:33

Dear Natalie
I am a flight freak, and I am following your flight expirences with great interest. But often I wonder, what you think about the purpose of your life. You are a very attractive woman, sending positive signals to almost everbody (especially older men) among your friendships. However, some of your signals may be dangerous and a source to disappointed hopefulness. So my basic question is: What are the plans and dreams for the rest of your life? A traditional life with husband and children or a free life with tales on Facebook making everybody envious?
If you like, I am ready for a personal discusslon about the subject in my country house in Melby i northern Zeeland.
Greetings from Erik

Natalie Kjaergaard 22 April 2019 - 18:27

Dear Erik,
Thank you so much for your comments, reflections, and for following!
I also enjoy reading about your adventures!
With warm regards,

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