Home Flying trips April 2019 tour. Day 3: Sunny Konstanz

April 2019 tour. Day 3: Sunny Konstanz

by Natalie Kjaergaard

My first morning in Konstanz was joyful. I had a slow breakfast with the view to a green garden from our kitchen, and then went to the town. I entered the Altstadt via the Schnetztor, a fortified gate of the former city wall:

Inside, there was a mix of old and well-preserved medieval buildings and modern art. These pictures on the wall (1998) by the German artists Johannes Grützke were quite colourful:

A building with beautiful paintings from 1417 (restored):

A lazy stroll through the main pedestrian street of Konstanz:

Minster Catholic Church and the blooming trees:

Nice old building with a roof terrace – a modern invention:

Charming narrow streets and timbered houses:

When I had my lunch al fresco in one of the restaurants on the sunny Münsterplatz, Vagn sent we a photo from the aero fair in Friedrichshafen on my request: Steen in the new model of Aeroprakt 32L:

Steen from Danaero is a distributor of Aeroprakt in Denmark, and we have several of 22L in our flying club. The new 32L is supposed to be more aerodynamic, flying 20 kts faster (!) using the same amount of fuel as 22L.

After lunch I went to the state park. There was a live music free concert – a mix of Queen, Bob Marley, and something else:

It was a relatively warm, calm and sunny day. I spent some time in the harbour, enjoying the views.

Then a look at the marina…If I wasn’t a pilot, I would be a sailor. I considered several times taking a sailing course; but I know – if the weather is good, I won’t go sailing – I will go flying…

Nice relaxing day in the sun… In the evening I prepared a simple and delicious dinner for myself (Vagn had a long day at the air fair). Freshly brewed coffee and a chocolate ice-cream with raspberries and pecan nuts for desert:

Tomorrow I’m going for hiking in Lichtenstein!

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Steen 18 April 2019 - 09:37

A32 is 20 kts faster ?

Natalie Kjaergaard 18 April 2019 - 12:37

Thank you, Steen! I have updated. I look forward to you in your own AP32 on our airfield in EKML soon!

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