Home Flying trips April 2019 tour. Day 15: Budapest

April 2019 tour. Day 15: Budapest

by Natalie Kjaergaard

On Wednesday 24th April we flew to Budaörs (LHBS), Hungary, from where we would visit Budapest.

It wasn’t our original plan to visit Budapest, but it suited to the weather in the region. After paying for parking and refuelling in Szeged (LHUD), we thanked the staff for their hospitality and assistance, and took off.

The flight to Budaörs was easy and uneventful, with tailwind, light turbulence and occasional thermal bubbles here and there. Just a nice colourful photo on our way:

Right base to runway 09R on Budaörs:

View yo the city on final:

Final; concentration in the cockpit:

I hope you’ve noticed that gorgeous sky-blue ultralight between the two Antonov. Never before had I such a noble parking place:

We came in to the tower to say hello to the air traffic controller:

And then left for Budapest.

We had plenty of time, and took public transport – we thought it would be more fun than taxi, and it definitely was. Vagn didn’t really like the tram – as a mechanical engineer he expects certain standard. I love trams, and enjoyed the ride.

The place where we stayed in Budapest:

One could think we stayed in ruins! The apartment we rented didn’t fail anything. It was simple, functional, cheap, and located in a quiet street in the heart of Budapest. The building was very beautiful, and undergoing external renovation.

We went out immediately, to see the city and to take pleasure of our day.

It was warm and sunny, +25C, and after a short walk we had to have a wine break:

Stunning views of the Danube and its surroundings:

Vagn recommended me to go shopping. I did. Saw some nice shoes in one of the shops’ window – tried them on. They were perfect! I had to buy them, and a matching bag. Expensive recommendation… and enjoyable.

A stroll through the city, and we quickly got tired of the crowd. Turned to the side streets, and found a great place for dinner, called BrewDog. Vagn wanted lots of meat, I dreamed of traditional Hungarian goulash – they had it all. BrewDog is a brewery and a pub, and serves 25 taps, as well as many other local and international beers.

After the dinner we again did some walking, and on our way home discovered a nice place for drinks called Ankertbar. Cozy and relaxing atmosphere, international crowd. We loved this place.

Our day in Budapest was coming to an end, and we needed to plan our flights for the next day, so we didn’t stay long.

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