Home Flying trips April 2019 tour. Day 1: Magdeburg

April 2019 tour. Day 1: Magdeburg

by Natalie Kjaergaard

Early morning in Kræmmersten, around 6 a.m. The sunrise was beautiful, birds were singing, and occasional hares and deer passed by looking surprisingly at me, and probably wondering what I was doing there at that time of the day. I was waiting for Vagn, and freezing: it was -4C!

When Vagn (finally) arrived, we did the last preparations, and took off for Magdeburg, the first stop on our 3 weeks tour.

In Germany, pretty puffing clouds welcomed us:

We enjoyed flying around them, and took many photos:

But after we passed them, the air became quite unstable and turbulent; a paradise for gliders.

We flew by the Elba river that was picturesque from air, with all its banks and turns:

Then north of Magdeburg we saw some gigantic hills that seemed to be man-made. Vagn and I decided to flew there and have a closer look:

I later learned, it was one of the largest and most modern potash factories worldwide:

The city of Magdeburg:

And our landing on RWY 09 in EDBM:

Parking, formalities, two excellent bikes, and we were on our way to the hotel.

There was a restaurant right next to the airfield, and yes we thought why not have lunch first.

Check-in to the hotel, dropped our bags, and went biking around Magdeburg. I was surprised how much of modern art was exhibited on the streets:

A symbol of Earth with the different time zones. I called it “a ticking bomb” – just an association!

An old bridge over Elbe:

And lots of sculptures everywhere:

I wanted to see the Cathedral which is the landmark of Magdeburg:

Vagn wanted to have a glass of wine in one of the cafes in the sun, and while looking for a nice place we suddenly saw this peculiar pink building that reminded me of the works of Gaudi:

It showed up, the stunning architectural pearl called The Green Citadel was created by an Austrian alternative architect Friedensreich Hundertwasser. The place consists of 55 residential apartment, shops, restaurants, a hotel, and offices.

We walked around and explored this wonderful place.

We had a very nice day in Magdeburg, but needed to prepare for the next day, so we dropped that glass of wine Vagn dreamed of, and used the evening for doing our pilots’ homework.

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