Home Flying tripsDenmark Andelslandsbyen Nyvang

Andelslandsbyen Nyvang

by Natalie Kjaergaard

I’ve heard of Andelslandsbyen Nyvang, but never been there. Last Sunday I got a unique chance to land on its 250m long airfield with Kenneth, and to see the place. Only 4 aircraft and their pilots have permission to land there, and Kenneth is one of them.

On the photo above is Nyvang from air. The yellow dashed line is its airfield.

We came on a late Sunday afternoon, so everything was closed. But Kenneth gave me a guided tour, and I was amazed of all the work that has been done in Nyvang. Andelsbyen Nyvang is a small village of 44 ha near Holbæk, it is an open-air museum that shows how the living in the countryside was during period from approx. 1870 to 1950. The place opened in 1922 and since than has been greatly expanded.

Smithy on the photo below. Traditional smithing is performed here, such as shoeing of horses, ringing of wagon wheels and repair of tools. The building is made of masonry walled with jurkalk. The large stones were collected in the rocky terrain at Sidinge Fjord, Faverbjerg, where the smithy was built in 1869. In front of the building is a winning well, an old millstone used for ringing a wagon, and a stent back for cooling the wheels.

We continued to Søstrup Mejeri (Søstrup Dairy). When milky doughs are delivered to the platform, the milk is treated in the traditional way and made into butter and creamy smoke cheese. It is shipped to Trønning Brugs, where it is possible to buy the fresh products. Read more: http://www.nyvang-tidende.dk/soestrup-mejeri-1991-92/

Further down the street there was a telephone box!

I don’t know from what time it is – when one minute of a phone call costed 0.25 øre (1/4 of a krone).

Kenneth in front of the Skovhuset where visitors can see different craftsmanship:

Flowers of the season:

The Sct. Steffen’s church. The original church was built in Igelsø in 1884. It was sold in 1996 to the village of Nyvang and later moved there. The original brick could not be recycled, and the church was therefore rebuilt in new rocks in the area of the village. The restored church opened in 2007.

There is much to see in Nyvang, and I will definitely return, maybe on some of the events, like “Veterantræffet Damp og Nostalgi” or “Veteranflyvedag”. More info about the place, events, etc.: http://www.andelslandsbyen.dk/

It was time to go home. Many thanks to Kenneth for showing me this wonderful place, and in his KZVII!

Pre-flight check:

And the last sunset photo in Nyvang (by Kenneth), before taking off:

Kenneth is also a professional photographer, check out his pictures of aerial photography on  https://www.facebook.com/flyvemesteren.dk/

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